Vertigo 2 (2023), the sci-fi VR shooter adventure from Zach Tsiakalis-Brown, readily invites comparisons to Valve’s indomitable Half-Life: Alyx, but now the developer is taking another note out of Valve’s playbook by offering a way to create your own Vertigo-based levels and modes in with its sandbox DLC.
Update (May 4th, 2023): Zach Tsiakalis-Brown announced Vertigo 2’s Level Editor is now in open beta, something the developer calls “very early.” Tsiakalis-Brown notes the editor is “subject to major changes and I cannot guarantee that levels you make now will not break later.”
The editor includes most props. models, enemies and bosses from the game’s campaign. It also includes basic event triggers to control level flow and basic control over enemy and allegiance AI. To join the beta, switch to the “sandbox” beta branch on the game through Steam. Beta testers are encouraged to join the Discord server to report bugs, comment on features, etc.
The original article follows below:
Original Article (April 20th, 2023): Tsiakalis-Brown announced the level editor today in a tweet:
vertigo 2 level editor is in development
— Zach Tsiakalis-Brown (@MrZulubo) April 20, 2023
Tsiakalis-Brown says it will be a free update, and have Steam Workshop support, which means you’ll be able to share your creations much in the same way we’ve seen Half-Life: Alyx mods in the past.
The editor is said to be an in-VR affair, inviting comparisons to the Sandbox DLC released for Vertigo Remastered (2020 ), which includes what Tsiakalis-Brown called at the time “a vast expansion that brings new game modes, new weapons, and a level editor and workshop.”
“Let your creativity run wild and share custom levels with the world, or re-experience the campaign with remixed combat and a brand new arsenal,” the Vertigo Remastered DLC’s description reads.
You can follow along as Tsiakalis-Brown builds the sandbox DLC on Twitch here for more. He says he won’t stream the entirety of the sandbox’s development, although notes it’s “already looking better than the Vertigo Remastered sandbox.”