Tin Hearts Marches Onto New Headsets With PSVR 2 & Quest 2 Release

Home » Tin Hearts Marches Onto New Headsets With PSVR 2 & Quest 2 Release

Tin Hearts will march its way onto new headsets, with a release planned on Quest 2 and PlayStation VR2.

As seen during the UploadVR Summer Showcase 2023 today, the annoucement comes more than five years after Tin Hearts first released for Vive and Rift PC VR headsets in 2018. Since the original PC VR release, Tin Hearts made recent flatscreen transitions on PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo consoles, alongside a PC release.


While we’re used to developers porting flatscreen games over to VR, it’s less common to see this the other way around. That said, with its recent revival on flatscreen platforms, it makes sense that the game would come back around to modern VR headsets as well. The announcement trailer above claims Tin Hearts has been “rebuilt from the ground up” for this release on Quest and PSVR 2.

Featuring Lemmings-like gameplay, we enjoyed Tin Hearts in our review of its original 2018 release – the VR debut from ex-Lionhead and Fable alumni at UK-based Rogue Sun:

Tin Hearts’ delightful opening act isn’t just a rock-solid puzzler; it finds genuine use for its platform, too. This is a masterclass in VR world-building, making your environment and its history intrinsic to the experience. You’re not simply guiding a group of cutesy toy soldiers to across nameless desktops and the chasms between them but instead retracing the steps of a famed toymaker. Each level takes you to a new room in his workshop of wholesomely-crafted gifts, given a somewhat eerie tinge by the persistent absence of their inventor.

No release window was given for the Quest and PSVR 2 launch, but here’s hoping the game finds its way there sooner rather than later.