Brink Traveler’s latest update lets you experience the majesty of Sierra Nevada’s Lake Tahoe region.
Brink Traveler is a travel app that lets you to explore real-world environments thanks to immersive photogrammetric captures. In the new update, players can now perch on Carnelian Overlook, a rocky spot overlooking the north shore of Lake Tahoe, America’s second-deepest lake.
The Lake Tahoe location also comes with improvements to how plants appear on Quest. As part of the update notes, Brink XR confirmed that 700,000 plants and 8000 trees are rendered in the scene.
Additionally, once you tire of the day, you can switch the location to night mode and take advantage of the new constellation map, which came as part of a separate Dynamic Skies and Stars update five months ago. This update, available for all locations, introduced moving clouds, stars, and constellation mode, which players can access by pointing at the sky at night.
Lake Tahoe marks another new location for the game, with Brink Traveler introducing the Arizonan location of The Wave in August last year in collaboration with the 3D puzzle game Puzzling Places. The developers have also signaled that there will be more location updates in the future.