Another Fisherman’s Tale Reels In A New Gameplay Trailer

Home » Another Fisherman’s Tale Reels In A New Gameplay Trailer

Another Fisherman’s Tale received a new trailer today, showcasing its core gameplay mechanics on Quest, PC VR and PSVR 2.

Announced by Innerspace and Vertigo Games last month, Another Fisherman’s Tale is a direct sequel to 2019’s A Fisherman’s Tale.  Following a previous glimpse at its new VR mechanics, this latest gameplay trailer showcases how the detachable limb system works. Between swapping your hand for a crab’s claw, stealing someone else’s hand for a biometric scanner and using an old fashioned pirate hook for grappling, your own body will become part of the puzzle. You can watch the trailer in full below:

We love the original game in our A Fisherman’s Tale review, calling it a “perfect storm of gameplay, immersion and narrative.” We believed it ended too quickly after just 2 hours, though this upcoming sequel thankfully promises a longer 5-6 hour campaign. Continuing the story of Bob the Fisherman, Another Fisherman’s Tale sees you playing as Nina, daughter of the original game’s protagonist that begins investigating her father’s past. Here’s the official description:

Another Fisherman’s Tale continues the story of Bob the Fisherman, crafting a magical and moving narrative about the meaning we create in life by building and rebuilding our authentic selves. Developed from the ground-up to maximize the capabilities of modern VR tech, Another Fisherman’s Tale introduces a set of all-new core mechanics: this time, the player’s own body is the primary puzzle to be solved, creating unconventional gameplay based on dismantling and rebuilding their in-game form.

Another Fisherman’s Tale arrives on PSVR 2, Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest Pro and PC VR platforms this year.